Monday 16 December 2019

Exploring the World

If I was stranded on an island I will take water melon strawberries apples picnic bars Pineapples potatoes Oranges Cucumbers Sandwiches Rock melon 


  1. Hi Slade!

    My name is Matilda. I live in Auckland, and this summer I am working as one of the blog commenters that will be reading and commenting on your blog posts. I am really looking forward to reading everything you post for the summer learning journey, and getting to know you a bit better!

    Thank you for your post! You have some really good ideas for food to take with you on a three week journey! Picnic bars would be especially good because they would help fill you up! Potatoes and sandwiches are also good foods to make sure you don’t get hungry!

    How do you think you would cook the potatoes? I’m not sure how I would do it? Unless I brought them pre-cooked. Have you got any ideas?

    Keep up the good work! I’m looking forward to hearing more from you.


  2. Hey Slade!

    It’s Matilda again! You made such a good start to the Summer Learning Journey but I haven’t seen any posts from you in a while! It would be really cool to see you come back and do a few more activities! Remember you don’t have to do the activities in order! You can have a look through them all and decide which ones you like the look of!

    I’m hoping to see some posts from you soon!

    Matilda :)


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.