Tuesday 30 March 2021

fish pond

 Hi, my name is Slade and I think Paroa School needs a fish pond. I think that because we are an enviroschool and it would make us look better than some other enviro schools. It would also be a fun school project and kids will be able to hang around it like at breaks we can just go and talk and look at the fish.

Having a fish pond would be really good because it would be our responsibility to look after and feed the fish. We could have a goal and whichever class is the best can feed the fish for a week or so.

I think it might be a little problem at first because kids might not behave or do stuff to the fish but over time I think we will be able to solve the problem so people don't misbehave.

I think that it would be a really good idea because we are an enviro school and it would be a cool project. It could go by the Junior huts it would probably be a good spot to put it there because it's a good space.

From Slade

this is my work for the week we had to write a letter about something we want or think we need in our town or school so my one was I think it would be good if paroa school had a fish pond

Monday 29 March 2021

word of the week

this is my word of the week i did for this week our word was reminisce i hope i did  good job

this is my word of the week i did for this week our word was reminisce i hope i did  good job


Thursday 18 March 2021

T shaped literacy

This is I and my friends' T-shaped literacy activity we chose to make a boat for wind energy. I liked that we got to build our own boat. I didn't like that it took a long time to do and finish but in the end, we were successful so it was worth it. 

Wednesday 17 March 2021


 today in class we are doing t-shaped literacy and we are learning about energy so here is my work I hope you liked it

Monday 15 March 2021

text on energy

 today in class we had to read an article about energy and do a supportive text on what saves and uses energy we had to do this because we are focusing on saving energy at our school

Friday 5 March 2021

ll the properties and values of a circle

 yesterday we were measuring all the properties and values of different Circles Around the classroom 

Tuesday 2 March 2021

The Tsunami

 It was that time again… Our annual surfing trip to Devon. While my parents packed up the suitcases and loaded up the car for the long journey ahead, we chatted excitedly about what an incredible holiday this was going to be!

Not too long into the journey, the beautifully clear, blue sky became dark and ominous. All of a sudden, crashing towards the long line of traffic, was a colossal wave – not the kind you’d want to catch on a board either…

Desperately, people raced wildly out of their cars, running, screaming, and panicking yet as I looked to my left, I saw a man…

The man was discreetly trying to get his children out of his car. the wave was curdling towards me I began to run. as I was running I relied on getting to my serf bored. I pooled my bored out of the car and got ready to serf.

I knew it would be a bad idear but it fort I would be able to do it. as the wave got close I jumped and!. I made it I was surfing on a tsunami I was terrified but I had to concentrate or I would be dead. 

I made it to safety with many cuts and bruises. eventually, I meet up with my family and of course, the surfing trip to Devon was canceled the so we went back home.

today a I had to finish a story so there was a story starter and i had to do the end of the story.