Tuesday 8 June 2021



       A Suffix is a morpheme added at the end of a word (ing.est.er,ness)

A suffix is a letter or group of letters,  which is added to the end of a word in order to form a different word, 

for example:

Tall: tallest       by adding the suffix  est I have changed the meaning from being tall to being the tallest

Fast: fastest

Old: older        the er changed the meaning from being old to being older the someone 

Hot: hoter

quick: quickly

Curl: curly

today in class, we had a relief teacher and we made a DLO on suffixes we had to explain and put an
example so this is my work it's not much but I hope you like it.


  1. Good Evening Slade, this explanation
    teaches quite a lot on morpheme. Now I
    know what a morpheme is! Good Job :D

    By Soane

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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